Following your surgery, we will provide you with discharge information on:
Weight Bearing
Please follow the specific weight bearing instructions provided by me or the physiotherapist. If in doubt, please email us at reception@ffsurgery.com.au.
Pain Relief
It is important to have adequate pain relief so that you can rehabilitate faster. You will have been provided with a prescription or a pack of medications on discharge. Please contact your General Practitioner if you run out prior to your next appointment.
Please make contact with a physiotherapist and follow the instructions. Most common conditions will have a protocol, which you can find following. You can print these out and take them with you to you physiotherapy appointment.
Follow up
Please call the rooms at Fourth Floor Surgery if you have not yet received a follow-up appointment. The first visit is usually two to four weeks following discharge.
Wound Care
All wounds will need to remain covered and dry until your first post operative review. If the dressing becomes wet or very soiled, please replace it. Waterproof dressings are inexpensive and can be obtained from a chemist. I will remove your sutures around two weeks after surgery, or will ask you to see your General Practitioner.
Any signs of infection such as increasing redness, pus, fevers, chills, and sweating should be reported immediately to my office via phone or email. You can email photographs to reception@ffsurgery.com.au
Following surgery, if you are cleared to weight bear on the appropriate limb, can comfortably bend and move the limb, and are no longer on any sedating medications, you are cleared to drive.
Physiotherapy Protocols
On the links following you can find rehab protocols for:
Meniscus surgery
Knee replacement (total and partial)
Patella stabilisation
Knee Fracture Surgery
Pelvis and Hip Fracture surgery
Upper Limb fractures
Sometimes it is not possible to go home after surgery and a temporary admission on a rehabilitation ward may be needed to get you back on your feet. An individual rehab program will be developed with you, your rehabilitation physician and the physiotherapist. There is an excellent rehabilitation physician at the Mater, who also consults at fourth Floor Surgery. Please contact reception@ffsurgery.com.au for further details.