Practice Locations
Fourth Floor Surgery
Level 4 (Suite 4.10) | Mater Private Clinic,
550 Stanley Street | South Brisbane Qld 4101
07 3010 5760 |
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Corner Butterfield St and Bowen Bridge Road |Herston Qld 4029
07 3646 8129
The Prince Charles Hospital
627 Rode Road | Chermside Qld 4032
07 3139 4000
Book an appointment.
Dr van de Pol has public appointments at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, where he is also involved in the education of medical students and orthopaedic trainees, and the Prince Charles Hospital. He operates privately at the Mater Private Hospital and consults at Mater Private Clinics, Fourth Floor Surgery–a modern surgical practice, specialising in orthopaedic surgery and orthopaedic trauma surgery.